Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Back from vacation

Sorry for the blog absence! I am back from a much needed break. Freddy and I drove down to NY and then to my parent's house in Pennsylvania. We spent most of our time in Brooklyn biking around, eating yummy food, and visiting friends.
For those of you who don't know the whole story- my parents used to live in Brooklyn but they decided they wanted to be "one with nature" in their ripe old age. So now they live in a log home in the middle of the woods.  The area is mountainous and there are lots of evergreens. It was a great way to end a busy NY trip.

Freddy and I had an awesome time there...we sat by their fireplace, drank fresh water straight out of a stream, and biked up a long treacherous mountain (not my idea). Freddy really likes a "challenge". I only do challenges if you get chocolate or a prize at the end. Ha.

My dad says this little house is for geese. 

Me, the back of Freddy's head, and my dad.


  1. you're gonna get worms from drinking out of a stream

  2. lol elaine. maybe i should do the tape test tonight just to make sure?

  3. The photos look very relaxing!
