I think Fred Flare is great. I really love the fact that they try to provide an true interactive online experience for their fans and customers. It's the future!
For one of their latest projects, they're asking their customers to make a Valentine's Day card and mail it to Fred Flare. They will be sold online for $4 each, and 100% of the profit goes to Elder Craftsmen, an organization that brings crafty workshops to senior citizens.
Go Fred Flare!
EDIT: Ohhhh, and they set up an awesome Flickr set showing all of the Valentine's they've already received. It's great way to get inspiration for your own V-Day cards...
Hm... that sounds dangerous. I don't trust my grandma with sharp scissors. She once fell asleep at the stove making me a can of ravioli. Luckily she didn't burn my pasta!