My boyfriend Freddy found this cat on our back balcony two nights ago when it was pouring rain. Usually he gets mad at me when I try to take in strays, but she is really rough shape, so he knew it was the right thing to do. She is definitely the boniest cat I have ever seen- I can feel every single rib on her back. She has all of these weird bumps along her gums, too...uhhh it's so heartbreaking. She is declawed so I know she definitely belonged to someone. I found her with a collar, but when I checked the registration number, it was registered for a Shitzu dog, and the owner never left their name or contact information. :-(
LUCKILY, one of my friends has agreed to foster her, but I have to take her to the vet tomorrow to get the poor cat checked out. I hope that whatever she has isn't life threatening, and I really hope that I didn't risk infecting my cats by bringing her into my house (although we kept her apart from our cats).
She is sooo sweet and affectionate. Luckily she is eating a lot and drinking, so she still has the will to live. My friend Jen named her Super Sad Cat (one time Jen found an abandoned Himalayan cat that we nicknamed Sad Cat). Today Sad Cat is one of the happiest cats I know. My friend Janice adopted her and named her Princess (which she totally is!)
I hope that Super Sad Cat can be a Super Happy Cat one day!
Well...that's what I've been up to besides sewing! Just stressing out about cats....sigh.