I finally felt creative this week!

Those who are close to me know that I've been feeling really "blah" and uninspired for the past few months. At first I couldn't figure out what was causing it, but then I decided to write it all down and that helped me sort it out. I came up with these reasons:
1. I'm still getting used to living in a snow kingdom (a.k.a. Montreal). I feel like I'm stuck inside a lot of the time and it's kind of depressing. Even going for a walk in the neighborhood becomes a huge ordeal. I've always been really low maintenence, like, I just throw something on and go, so getting dressed in a bazillion layers is too much work for a leisurely walk. Then by the time I'm finally dressed I don't even feel like going anymore. Man, I'm so spoiled.
2. I'm oversewing. That definitely kills my creativity. I really really want to hire a sewer on a permanent basis this year.
3. I felt "stuck" with my clothing line. I didn't have any real goals for it before, because I was happy making enough to make ends meet. I guess not having goals will make anyone feel uninspired. It was right at that time because I was still adjusting to living in Canada, but now I'm ready!
I'm feeling sooo motivated and all I have to do is just make sure this feeling sticks for a while. YAYYY.